But a book is a book, and it is still a book. A book made to read, especially when it is an encyclopedia. No, I'm not promoting porn and sex here, so here it goes..

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I first heard about this book, maybe in 2006 when Kama Sutra, a drama from TV3 currently airing. Of course the drama wasnt an adaptation from this book at all. I am reading some reviews at Utusan Meloya or Berita Hairan - sorry I forgot the paper, when the reporter asked if the drama was inspired by this book.
Basically Kama Sutra is an old Sanskrit book, about sexual playing. Didnt know what Sanskrit is? It is a language by Hindu. There are many version of translation though, and in US, Kama Sutra was regarded as 'porn'. Or I may say, people read it as porn rather than an encyclopedia.
You'll find many facts and misinterpretation about sex in this book. I just knew that fellatio / cunnilingus is NOT from Western but from Asian (Hindu). Lol.
So for the downloaders, if you're an unmarried person, I didnt recommend you to download this, since it is not important for you. For the porn-searchers, dont download this because it's censored - no pussy and cock was shown. You'll just regret it later.
More info? Check this out: Answers.
Credit to FeWeTT for this file. For the downloaders, DONT PUT THE DOWNLOAD LINK IN ANOTHER WEBSITE. LINK THEM TO THIS BLOG INSTEAD.I really appreciate your cooperation.
5 penghinaan diterima:
kan aku kabo doh..
kamasutra ni kitab seks india kuno..
kantoi bace..haha
kite dok bace g..
sbb xdok kpentingan..
bawah umur cam pakpis pon dah baca?
bek tgk tarian wondergirl lg bagos~~~ lagu nobody kat youtube tu~~
eleh, dh bace ngaku je ler huhu! :P
ana pun terbace gak huhu! :D mase tgh cari2 pdf search huhu! :P
p/s: lelaki, biase ler :P
mg bodo n org bdo xyoh la nk seborkan buah fikiran,,wat rosok umat je
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